Bird Baths Could Increase The Mosquitoes Around Your Meridian Home


Everyone knows how a hungry swarm of mosquitoes can spoil an outdoor gathering with family and friends. Mosquitoes are a common problem and a threat to you, your family, and your pets here in Meridian, Idaho. West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, Dengue Fever, and Chikungunya are diseases carried by mosquitoes. They also have the potential to infect your pets with deadly heartworms.

Many people unknowingly invite mosquitoes onto their property. Mosquitoes love environments that offer two of their most important needs: food and a place to lay their eggs. Learning how to reduce these enticements can go a long way toward mosquito prevention.

Your local Meridian pest control company is an excellent resource for mosquito control solutions that work for you. Sawtooth Pest Control has over 18 years of combined experience in all types of pest control, including mosquitoes. Contact us to learn about our safe and effective treatment and prevention plans.

Do Bird Baths Attract Mosquitoes?

Everyone enjoys seeing the different beautiful birds that visit their property. Many people incorporate bird feeders and birdbaths into their landscaping themes to attract them to their yard. They can be an asset in mosquito control since many bird species will happily dine on mosquitoes that venture into yards. But, birdbaths can also be a liability if not properly maintained. Standing water can be a magnet for female mosquitoes to use as a breeding ground.

Three Things You Can Do To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Bird Baths

Birdbaths can still be an attractive and helpful piece of décor in your yard. However, a few tips can help deter mosquitoes from taking advantage of them.

Here's what you can do: 

  • Change the water every five days to keep any existing mosquito larvae from maturing.
  • Add an agitator, aerator, or fountain to keep the water constantly moving.
  • Treat the water with a safe bacterial insecticide that kills mosquito larvae but is safe for birds and other animals.

Don't be discouraged about installing a birdbath on your property because of mosquitoes. With a little bit of regular maintenance, they can be a blessing to the birds and your family.

What Is The Best Way To Kill Mosquitoes In My Yard

Killing mosquitoes is no easy task. You can spend a lot of time and money using products such as pesticides and bug zappers that may not be as successful as you hoped. Plus, it can be a never-ending job. The best way to get rid of mosquitoes is to implement measures that keep them from being attracted to your yard. You can:

  • Eliminate standing pools of water in your yard.
  • Incorporate plants that repel mosquitoes like lavender, catnip, and citronella. 
  • Keep your lawn manicured by mowing your yard and trimming trees and bushes.
  • Burn candles or essential oils for mosquitoes with scents such as citronella that ward them off.

Properly maintaining your yard and making it more attractive to birds and other predators of mosquitoes goes a long way toward mosquito prevention.

Sawtooth Pest Control: Effective Mosquito Control In Meridian

Unfortunately, even with all of the hard work to keep up your yard and birdbaths, you could still get mosquitoes. That's why utilizing the expertise of professionals is the best way to keep mosquitoes away. Sawtooth Pest Control has highly trained and certified technicians who can tackle your mosquito problems.

Contact us today to learn more about our mosquito control solutions along with our home pest control and commercial pest control services.